inspects inbound and outbound traffic for suspicious activity
Checks traffic for signatures and patterns and alarms when a match is found
IDS can be place outside of inside a firewall
Before deploying an IDS it is important to understand how information flows through the network
Signature Recognition – Tries to identify events that are the miss uses of network resources
Anomaly Detection – detects intrusions based on fixed behaviors of the users or components in a system
Protocol Anomaly Detection – Explores anomalies in the way vendors deploy the tcp/ip specification
General Indication of Intrusions
File System Intrusions
New unfamiliar files or programs
Change of file permissions
Unexplained change in file size
Rouge files on the system that do not correspond to the master list of singed files
Missing files
Network Intrusions
Repeated probes of available services on machines
Connections from unusual locations
Repeated login attempts to remote host
Sudden influx of log data
System Intrusions
Short of incomplete logs
Unusually slow system
Missing logs or logs with incorrect permissions
Modifications to system software and config files
Unusual guis or text messages
Gaps in system accounting
System crashes or reboots
Unfamiliar processes
Types of IDS
Network based intrusion detection systems
Runs in promiscuous mode and listens for patterns of indicative of an intrusion
Detects activity like DoS, port scans, or attempts to crack into computers by watching network traffic
Host base intrusion detection systems
Audits for events that occur on specific host
Not as commons due to overhead of monitoring each system event
Monitors log files and watches for strange activity
File integrity checking
Watches file and makes sure they are not modified
IDS Alerts
True positive – legitimate attack
False positive – no attack
False negative – legitimate attack that was not alerted on
True negative - IDS does not raise an alarm when an attack has not taken place
Hardware or software designed to prevent unauthorized access
Placed at a junction or gateway
Examines all messages entering or leaving the intranet
Firewall Architecture
Bastion Host
Designed and configure to protect network resources from attacks
Has two interfaces public or private
Screened subnet
Contains hosts that offer public services
Responds to public requests and has no hosts accessed by private network
Private zone cannot be accessed by internet users
Multi-homed firewall
Firewall has two or more interfaces that allows further subdivision
Specific security objectives
DeMilitarized Zone (DMZ)
DMZ is a network that serves as a buffer between the internal secure network and insecure internet
Created using a firewall with three or more network interfaces
Is an untrusted network were servers that are access by the public and be connected to by host on the internet
Types of firewalls
Hardware firewall
A dedicated stand alone device
Filters network traffic using packet filtering
Used to filter out the network traffic of large business networks
Has increased level of security controls
Faster speed
Minimal interference
More expensive
Hard to implement and configure an requires more space
Software Firewall
A firewall software program installed on a computer just like normal software
Used to filter traffic for individual home users
Only filters traffic for the computer on which it is installed
Less expensive than hardware firewalls
Ideal for personal or home use
Easier to configure and reconfigure
Consumer host resources
Difficult to uninstall
Not appropriate for environments requiring faster response times
Firewall Tech
Packet Filtering Firewall
Packet filtering firewalls work at the network layer and are usually part of a router
Each packet is compared to a set of criteria before being forwarded
Depending on the packet and the criteria the firewall will drop or forward the packet
Rules can included source and destination ip address, the source and the destination port number, the protocol used, TCP flag bits, direction, or interface
Circuit-Level Gateway firewall
Session layer firewall / TCP layer
Information passed to a remote computer through a circuit level gateway appears to have originated from the gateway
They monitor requests to create sessions and then determine if those sessions are allowed
Circuit proxy firewalls allow or prevent data streams
Application level firewall
Application level gateways (proxies) can filter packets at the application layer
Incoming and outgoing traffic is restricted to services supported by proxy all other service requests are denied
Application-level gateways configured as a web proxy prohibit FTP, gopher, telnet, or other traffic
Examine traffic and filter on application specific commands such as http post
Active application level firewalls - examine all incoming request and will only allow genuine request through
Passive application level firewalls – Work like IDS they check all incoming request by do not allow or deny just log the information
Stateful multilayer inspection firewall
Combine the aspects of three types of firewalls
Packet filtering
Circuit level
Application level
They filter packets and the network layer to determine if a session packet is legitimate and they evelauate the contents of the packet at the application layer
Application Proxy
Filters connections for specific services
Act as proxy servers
Filter connections based on services and protocols
Example an ftp proxy will only allow ftp traffic to pass through
Can be good at logging because they understand the application layer
Proxy services reduce the load on the network links as they are capable of cahing information
Perform user level authentication
Automatically protect weak or faulty ip implementations
Proxy services lag behind non proxy services until suitable proxy software is available
Each service in a proxy may use different servers
Proxy services may require changes in the client, application, and procedures
Network Address Translation (NAT)
Separates IP address into two sets
Allows LAN devices to use WAN IP addresses
NAT modifies the packets the router sends
Has the ability to change the address of a packet and make it appear to have arrived from a valid address
It limits the number of public IP address and organization can use
It can act as a firewall filtering technique where it allows only those connections which originate on the inside network and will block connections which originate on the outside network
NAT helps enforce firewall control over outbound connections
Restricts incoming traffic and allows only packets that are part of a current interaction initiated from the inside
NAT has to guess how long to keep a translation
NAT interferes with encryption and authentication services
Dynamic allocation of ports may interfere with packet filtering
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Private network constructed using public networks
Used to secure transmission of sensitive information over an untrusted network using encapsulation and encryption
Establishes a virtual point to point connection through use of dedicated connections
Only devices running the VPN software can access the VPN
Firewall Limitations
Setup to attract and trap people whe attempt to penetrate an organizations network
Does not have any production value
Any traffic to it is likely to probe attack or compromise
Can log port access attempts
Monitor attackers keystrokes
Can be used for early warning signs
Types of fHoneypots
Low Interaction Honeypots
Simulate only a limited number of services and applications of a target system or network
Set to collect higher level information about attack vectors such as network probes and worm activities
Medium Interaction Honeypots
Simulate a real operating system applications and its services
Can respond to pre configured commands therefor risk of intrusion is increased
High interaction Honeypots
Simulates all services
Captures complete information about an attack vector such as attack techniques tools and intent of the attack
Production Honeypots
Emulate real production networks
Set to collect internal flaws and attackers within an organization
Research Honeypots
These are high interaction honeypots primarily deployed in research institutes government or milita+ry organizations
Capture in depth information about the way an attack is performed vulnerabilities exploited and the attack techniques used by the attacker
IDS Firewall and Honeypot Solutions
Open source network IDS performs real time traffic analysis and packet loggin on IP networks
Performs protocol analysis and content searching / matching
Used to detect a variety of attacks and probes
Uses flexible rules language to describe traffic it should collect or pass as well as a detection engine that utilizes a modular plugin architecture
Uses of snort
Straight packer sniffer like TCP dump
Packet logger
Network IPS
Snort Rules
Enables custom rules to meet the needs of networks
Help different between normal internet activities and malicious activities
Must be contained in a single line snort does not handle rules on multiple lines
Snort rules have two parts
Rule header and rule options
Snort Rules Actions and IP Protocols
Rule header stores the complete set of rules to identify the packet and determine the action that is being performed
The rule action alerts snort when it finds a packet the matches the rule
Three actions snort can take
Alert – Generates an alert using the selected alert method and then logs the packet
Log– Logs the packet
Pass – drops / ignores the packet
Three IP protocols available for snort
Snort Rules Detection Operator and IP Address
Direction operator indicates the direction of interest for the traffic
Traffic can flow in either single or bidirectional
Use keyword any to identify any IP address
Use CIDR notation
Snort Rules Port Numbers
Can be listed with Any static port port range and by negation
Range operator is :
IDS Tipping Point
In line threat protection software
Does not affect performance and productivity
OpenSource SIEM
Normalization and correlation
Advance threat detection
Host Based IDS that acts as a Honeypot to attract the detection hacker and worms simulates vulnerable system services and trojan
Honeypot based on IDS
Offers common internet services
Evading IDS
Insertion Attack
Attacker confuses the IDS by forcing it to read invalid packets
An IDS blindly believes and accepts a packet that an end system rejects and the attacker exploits this condition and inserts data into the IDS
Occurs when NIDS is less strict in processing packets than the internal network
The attacker obscures extra traffic and IDS concludes the traffic is harmless
The IDS gets more packets than the destination
IDS and the end system construct two different strings
End System Accepts a packet that an IDS rejects
Using this technique an attacker exploits the host computer without the IDS ever realizing it
Attacker sends portions of the request in packet that the IDS mistakenly rejects allowing the removal of parts of the stream from the IDS
The IDS gets fewer packets than the destination
IDSs use a centralized server for logging alerts
If attackers know the IP address of the centralized server they can perform a DoS or other hack to slow down or crash the server
As result attacker intrusion attempts will not be logged
Encode the attack packet payload
Attackers manipulate the path referenced in the signature to fool the HIDS
Attackers can encode attack patterns in Unicode to bypass IDS filtering but be understood by an iis webserver
Polymorphic code is another means to circumvent signature based IDS by creating unique attack patterns
Use encrypted protocols such as https so the IDS cant read the packet
False Positive Generation
Craft malicious packets just to generate alerts
These packets generate a large number of false positive alerts
False positives are used to hide the real attack traffic
Makes it difficult to differentiate the attack traffic with the false positives
Session Splicing
Attacker splits the attack traffic into many packets
It is effective against IDS that do not reconstruct packets before checking them against intrusion signatures
If attackers are aware of delay in packet reassembly at the IDS the can add delay between packet transmissions to bypass the reassembly
IDS stops reassembly if they do not receive packets within a certain time
IDS will stop working if the target host keeps session active for a time longer than the IDS reassembly time
Any attack attempt after a successful splicing attack will not be logged by the IDS
Unicode Evasion
Unicode is a character coding system to support worldwide interchange processing and display of the written texts
In the Unicode space all the code points are treated differently but it is possible that there could be multiple representations of a single character
Because of this complexity some IDS handle Unicode improperly
Attacker convert attack string into Unicode to avoid IDS
Fragmentation Attack
Can be used when fragmentation timeouts vary between IDS and host
If a fragment reassembly timeout is 10 sec at the IDS and 20 sec at the target system attackers will send the second fragment after 15 secs
IDS will drop the fragment as the second fragment is received but the target will reassemble the fragment
When and IDS timeout exceeds the Victims timeout multiple fragments can be sent at different times so that the IDS receives some packets and the target receives other
Overlapping Fragments
Generates a series of tiny fragments with overlapping TCP sequence numbers
Time to live
Attacker needs to have prior knowledge of the topology
This information can be obtained using tools such as traceroute
IDS will receive both fragments target receives first fragment only
Invalid RST packet
Attacker send RST packet to the IDS with an Invalid checksum
IDS stops processing the packet thinking the TCP communication session has ended
The target checks the RST packet checksum and drops it because it is invalid
Urgency Flag
IDS do not consider the urgent pointer
This results in the IDS and the target systems having different sets of packets
Polymorphic Shellcode
Signature based NIDS identifies an attack by matching attack signatures with incoming and outgoing data
Signatures are based off of commonly used string in shell code
Polymorphic shellcode includes multiple signatures making it difficult to detect the signature
Encode the payload using some technique and then place a decoder before the payload
Shellcode is completely rewritten each time is is sent evading detection
This technique also evades the commonly used shellcode strings
ASCII Shellcode
ASCII Shellcode can be used to evade IDS because the pattern matching does not work with the ASCII values
Scope of ASCII shellcode is limited as all assembly instructions cannot be converted to ASCII values directly
Can be overcame by using other sets of instructions for converting ASCII values properly
Application Layer Attacks
Uses compression to had malicious code
Signature IDS cannot detect signature in compressed files
Enables an attacker to exploit the vulnerabilities in compressed data
Pre Connection SYN
Initial SYN packet is sent before the real connection
If the SYN packet is received after the TCP control block is opened the IDS resets the appropriate sequence number to match that of the newly received SYN packet
Attackers send fake SYN packets with a completely invalid sequence number to desync the IDS
Stops the IDS from monitoring all legit traffic
Post Connection SYN
Attempts to desync the IDS from the actual sequence numbers that the kernel is honoring
Send a post connection SYN packet in the data stream whish have divergent sequence numbers
Target ignores the SYN packet as it references an already established connection
The point of the attack is to get the IDS to resync its notion of the sequence numbers to the new SYN packet
Causes the IDS to ignore legitimate part of the original stream
Once the IDS resyncs a RST packet is sent to close down the connection
Encrypted sessions with the victim cant be read by the IDS
Attacker sends loads of unnecessary traffic to produce noise
Evading Firewalls
Firewall Identification
Port Scanning
Identifies open ports and services running
Open ports can be further probed to identify the version of services
Some firewall will uniquely identify themselves with how they respond to simple port scans
Uses TTL values to determine gateway ACL filters and map networks by analyzing ip packet responses
Attacker sends TCP or UDP packet to the targeted firewall with aTTL set to on hop greater than the firewall
If the packet makes it through the firewall a TTL exceeded in transit will be returned
Banner Grabbing
Banners announce the service that is running on the port
Banner grabbing is a fingerprint method
Main services that send out banners are FTP telnet and web servers
IP Address Spoofing
IP Address spoofing is a hijack technique in which an attacker masquerades as a trusted host to conceal his identity spoof web sites hijack browsers or gain unauthorized access to a network
Attackers modify the addressing information in the IP packet header and the source address bits field in order to bypass the firewall
Source Routing
Allows the sender of a packer to specify the route the packet takes through the network
As the packet travels through the nodes in the network each router examines the destination IP address and chooses the next hop to direct the packet to the destination
In source routing the sender makes some of these decisions
Allows the attacker to avoid going through the firewall
Tiny Fragments
Attacker creates tiny packet fragments forcing some of the TCP packet header information into the next fragment
IDS filter rules that specify patterns will not match with the fragmented packets due to broken header information
The attack will succeed if the filtering router examines only the first fragment and allows other fragments to pass through
This attack is used to avoid user defined filtering rules and works when the firewall checks only for the tcp header information
Bypass Blocked Sites using IP address in Place of URL
This method involves typing the IP address directly in browsers address bar in place of typing the blocked website domain name
Bypass blocked sites using anonymous website surfing
Uses VPN or proxy to encrypt traffic
Bypassing firewall through ICMP tunneling method
Allows tunneling a backdoor shell in the data portion of ICMP echo packets
The payload portion of an ICMP packet is not examined by many firewalls
Bypassing firewall through ACK tunneling Method
Tunneling a backdoor application with TCP packets with ACK bit set
ACK bit is used to acknowledge receipt of a packet
Bypassing Firewall through HTTP tunneling Method
HTTP tunneling allow attackers to tunnel data through HTTP packets
HTTP tunneling allow sending traffic for other services like FTP over HTTP or HTTPS
Bypassing firewall through SSH tunneling
Attackers use openssh to encrypt and tunnel all the traffic from a local machine to a remote machine to avoid detection by perimeter security controls
Bypassing firewall through external systems
Bypassing firewall through MITM attack
Attackers make use of the DNS server and routing techniques to bypass restrictions
Bypassing through content
Attacker sends the content containing malicious code to the user and tricks him/her to open it so that the malicious code can be executed
Bypassing Web application firewall (WAF) using XSS attack
XSS attack exploits vulnerabilities that occur while processing input parameters of the end users and the server responses in a web application
Attackers inject malicious HTML code in the victims website to bypass the WAF
IDS/Firewall Evading Tools
Traffic IQ Professional
Enables security professionals to audit and validate the behavior of security devices by generating the standard application traffic or attack traffic between two virtual machines
Colasoft Packet builder
Network packet crafter
Used to build all types of custom networks
Detecting Honeypots
Attacker can determine the presence of honeypots by probing the services running on a system
Attackers craft malicious probe packets to scan for services such as HTTPS SMTPS and IMAPS
Ports that show a particular service running but deny a three way handshake connection indicated the presence of a honeypot
Detecting and Defeating Honeypots
Detecting presence of Layer 7 Tar Pits
Look at the latency of the response from the service
Detecting presence of layer 4 tar pits
Analyze the TCP window size where tar pits continuously acknowledge incoming packets even though the TCP window size is reduced to zero
Detecting presence of layer 2 tar pits
Look for the response with unique MAC address which act as kind of black hole
Need to be on the same layer 2 network
Detecting Honeypots running on VMWare
Look at the IEE standards for the current range of MAC addresses assigned to VMWare Inc
Detecting presence of Honeyd Honeypot
Perform time based TCP finger printing methods
Detecting presence of user mode linux honeypot
Analyze the files such as /proc/mounts /proc/interrupts and /proc/cmdline
Detecting presence of Sebek based honeypots
Sebek logs everything that is accessed via read() before transferring to the network causing congesting effect Analyze congestion in the network layer
Detecting presence of snort inline honeypot
Analyze outgoing packets by capturing Snort_inline modified packet through another host system and identifying the packet modification
Detecting presence of fake AP
Fake access points only send beacon frames but do not generate any fake traffic on the access points and an attacker can monitor the network traffic and easily notice the presence of fake AP
Detecting presence of bait and switch honeypots
Look at specific TCP/IP parameters like round trip time, TTL, and the TCP timestamp
Send Safe Honeypot Hunter
Tool designed for checking lists of HTTPS and SOCKS proxies for Honey pots
IDS Firewall Evasion Countermeasures
How to defend Against IDS Evasion
Shutdown switch ports
Perform in depth analysis of ambiguous network traffic
Use TCP FIN or RST packet to terminate malicious TCP sessions
Look for code other than 0x90 to defend against polymorphic shellcode
Train users to identify attack patterns and regularly update/ patch
Deploy IDS after a through analysis of network topology nature of network traffic and the number of host to monitor
Use a traffic normalizer to remove potential ambiguity from packet stream before it reaches IDS
Ensure IDS normalize fragmented packets and allows those packets to be reassembled In the proper order
Define DNS server for client resolver in routers or similar network devices
Harden the security of all communication devices such as modems, routers, switches, etc
Block ICMP TTL expired packets
Update antivirus signature regularly
Use a traffic normalization solution at the IDS to prevent the system against evasion
Store the attack information for future analysis
How to defend against firewall evasion
Firewall Penetration Testing
Firewall IDS Penetration Testing
Helps evaluate ingress and egress traffic filtering capabilities